Watertight Plumbing / Plumbers / Plumbing Contractors in Penrose
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The issue was fixed however they heavily inflated their travel times. I live 9 minutes away. Yet despite this the job required 1.75 hours (this was just removing a section of hose and coupling it back together).
I assumed this would all be done within the minimum call out time however since they only spent 25 minutes, their minimum call out fee does not… even cover their travel. This travel (after querying them) seemed to involve:
"1. Travel to the site (26 minutes even though for anyone else it's 9 minutes)
2. Spend 5 minutes onsite before stating they need need to go back and get parts, even though I sent them photos before they arrived
3. Travel back to their base (another 26 minutes)
4. Travel back to address (26 minutes)
5. Spend another 20 minutes onsite actually doing the fix.
When you query them on this they will (as another reviewer stated) hide behind their terms and conditions and tell you that every driver records their trip via GPS and also tell you they are lucky they took the job because they don't usually take new clients.
Communication: 50% | Quality: 70% | Reliability: 80% | Value: 0%