Alexander L & Co 2007 Ltd / Auto Electrical in Mt Victoria
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The job was a simple one. Take out a CD that was stuck in the Car\'s stereo. No quote was given as the tradesman said its a simple job.
When I went to pick up the car, was told it would cost me $110. I was shocked and couldn\'t believe my ears. Went to the tradesman and young lad gave me some unconvincing story and reduced the price to $88 (some amount plucked out of thin air!!)
I immediately realized that the tradesman was… greedy and does not believe in what the company website claims as \"delivering value for money\". As I was in a hurry, agreed to pay $80.
"I went to the Tradesman hoping to get value for money service instead got ripped off....$80 for removing a stuck CD aye!!
Communication: 50% | Quality: 50% | Reliability: 90% | Value: 0%