Giltrap City Toyota - Penrose / Vehicle and automotive servicing, repairs and mechanics in Penrose
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The following morning my wife was unable to start the car at all - I had to take time off work to come home and check it.
I found the battery terminal had not been fitted properly and was loose.
A week later on a Saturday, my wife was at work and found herself stuck unable to start the car again.… One of her colleagues brought her home and picked me up to take me back to see if I was able to get the car started. This time I found the starter motor was half hanging out and not engaging at all!
"I tightened one of the bolts but the other would not tighten. They had put the wrong bolt in - too long!!!
Luckily I have some car knowledge and was able to keep the car hobbling along. To others this would have been an utter nightmare.
Essentially I became the mechanic on the job.
We had to take our car back to Giltraps to get the bolts checked. They aplogised but they should have given us compensation for our wasted time (myself 5 hours total, my wife 2.5 hours), petrol costs and stress.
Giltraps haven't given us a cent after all the mechanical work I put in, weekend interruption stress, time reporting the problems etc.
The starting motor falling out was appalling, atrocious, pathetic.
If brake repairs were undertaken so carelessly, I fear the consequences.
We paid "top dollar" for what should have been a "top notch" job.
Not a cent compensation from Giltrap City Toyota!!!
We didn't hesitate in buying my wife's workmate a bottle of wine for dropping her off and taking me back to the car.
If we had had to call a mobile mechanic on the Saturday, would Giltraps have refunded us for that? What is the difference?
Not a cent compensation from Giltrap City Toyota on an $850 job!!!
We are waiting.
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