Kelly's Garage Ltd / Vehicle and automotive servicing, repairs and mechanics in Whakatane Central
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I had just assembled it after painting and it needed 4 jobs done, of which none were done satisfactorily and it only cost me $750.
1. Carbs tuned.
2. It had a strange knocking noise under braking.
3. Exhaust flange gasket.
4. Headlight wiring got fried driving it home from where I assembled it.
So, I picked the car up after about 4 days… and Kelly said he had got the carbs 99% perfect and that without carb kits it couldn't be any better. He also said that the only noticeable thing was a very faint hesitation at idle occasionally. I paid him $750 and drove away. He also said the knocking noise was probably the exhaust but he hadn't fixed it. he did spend some time with the brakes thinking the fault was there. Even with the front brakes even when I had told him it happened when using the hand brake which don't apply to the front!
"1. The car has a huge lag when you put your foot down, surges down the road when you try to keep to a constant speed and back fires when you release the throttle.
2. Still had the knock. I had my Dad staying the next weekend so I had someone to help and we found the knock in literally two minutes. I fixed it in 5. It was the splashpan against the sump.
3. Flange gasket blew after 15 minutes driving.
4. One headlight doesn't go now and to make matter worse, they replaced one which was a high beam light. This really annoyed me because I had told him that the high beams were too bright (non standard globes) and that I think they had caused the original problem anyway!
So, knowing Kelly and his family were away on holiday, I waited until they were back and went to discuss it. As soon as I mentioned I wasn't happy Kelly got very defensive and said he though I had got very good value. He wasn't willing to even consider giving the car a second look unless I was going to pay extra. I asked him to see my point of view but he was a brick wall. I am disgusted by this!
Communication: 20% | Quality: 0% | Reliability: 0% | Value: 0%