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Kings Plant Barn - Silverdale / Garden Services in Silverdale

Is Kings Plant Barn - Silverdale your business?

Kings Plant Barn - Silverdale is unregistered. Before hiring them, consider these registered businesses nearby:

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  • 94%
    "Simon helped with all of my queries regarding starting up my garden and all of the products I would need and the most suitable plants for my home garden.
    He was very helpful and had a great sense of humour because sometime I have old blonde senior moments and just cant make any sense of what Im supposed to be doing.
    Rating by: Victoria  |  Rating posted: 11th Feb, 2007  |  Contact: Simon  |  Job date: Feb, 2007
    Communication: 100%  |  Quality: 100%  |  Reliability: 100%  |  Value: 75%
    Victoria11th Feb, 2007More details…
  • 100%
    (no comment)
    Rating by: Richard  |  Rating posted: 11th Feb, 2007  |  Contact: Not Known  |  Job date: Feb, 2007
    Communication: 100%  |  Quality: 100%  |  Reliability: 100%  |  Value: 100%
    Richard11th Feb, 2007More details…

Phone number

Physical address
Cnr East Coast Rd and State Highway 1,
Hibiscus Coast