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Sarah Stuart
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Unit 6 / 14 Glenmore Drive,
Warkworth Township,
About us
Cameron Autos has been in business since 1990 and we couldn’t have done it without the loyalty of our customers. If we weren’t any good (or charged like wounded bulls) they just wouldn’t keep coming back, year after year.
So if you need some advice, an estimate, information, or just a 2nd opinion because you’re unsure about something; feel free to give us a call & have a chat.
What we do
LET US DO YOUR DIRTY WORK: Servicing, brake pads & rotors, exhaust repairs or complete refits, flushing cruddy radiators & cooling systems (or installing a complete new radiator), repacking the grease in your trailer hubs, fitting a new SuperCharge battery, transmission flushes that force the old contaminated oil out of the system; it’s all good.
We provide WOF & Service reminders. And we’ll let you know when your cambelt is coming due, plus we can price the job ahead of time, so you know what to expect. There are 4 automatic courtesy cars available for our customers.
“Liquid Engineering” - we proudly use the CASTROL range, for your peace-of-mind, and ours.
We’re a proud member of the MTA: giving you that added confidence that the job will be done right.
We can carry out auto electrical work, help co-ordinate windscreen repairs or replacements, tyres from Duffs Tyres across the way, registration from VTNZ, co-ordinate pick-ups & deliveries with your panel-beater, rechecks after we’ve made your repairs - all designed to make your visit that little bit easier.
So give us a call next time you need a mechanic or a WOF: it’ll be the best thing you do for your car all year.
SuperGold discounts are $5 off morning WOF, $10 off afternoon WOF (offer excludes trailers, motorbikes & motorhomes). You also receive 10% off labour on any work we do for you.
Categories we service
WOF & Services, Vehicle and automotive servicing, repairs and mechanics, Radiators, Exhausts, Diesel Mechanics, Automotive Brake Repair
Areas we service
Whangateau, Warkworth Township, Tomarata, Snells Beach, Puhoi, Point Wells, Omaha, Matakana, Mahurangi West, Dome Valley, Algies Bay, Ahuroa
Communication: 100% | Quality: 100% | Reliability: 100% | Value: 100%