JR Electrical / Electricians / Electrical Contractors in Island Bay
Primary contact
Postal address
PO Box 7041
Wellington South
Wellington 6442
Primary contact
Postal address
PO Box 7041
Wellington South
Wellington 6442
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Normally took two days by other contractors in the past, but they did it in one day.
Acted safely around store and didnt know they were here.
They created a test tag log which other companies had never done this by using a proper log book and now we dont have messy handwritten pieces of paper.
"Primary contact
Phone number
This week/ASAP
Postal address
PO Box 7041
Wellington South
Wellington 6442
About us
JR Electrical established 2001 by John Robinson after working around Wellington since 1990.
We were made aware of no more cowboys website in ea...
What we do
Domestic electrical work:
- Hot water elements, oven repairs, house rewiring, light fitting installation, outside lighting, extra power points, ventiliation systems, alterations to kitchens and bathrooms.
Telephone and data cabling
Automatic gates sales and service - BFT & Pivotal Solutions.
Commercial Maintenance
Categories we service
Telecommunications, Electricians / Electrical Contractors, Data Cabling
Areas we service
Wellington City, Porirua Area, Owhiro Bay, Hutt Valley Area
JR Electrical has not given us their exact location, but they are based in Island Bay
Communication: 100% | Quality: 100% | Reliability: 100% | Value: 100%