Pit Stop Ltd - Petone / Petone
81.7% approval from 3 authenticated ratings
Ph: 045683999
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I was told that the car needs spark plugs changed when the car got serviced (extensive service) at the petone branch pitstop but they were not in stock and was asked to come later to install at no extra labour cost (which means I will be charged for spark plugs only).
On second visit (after few weeks) they were still out of stock and was told that repco or supercheap auto… would suggest the type of spark plug the car needs based on the registration when I asked if I could procure them instead. The staff said yes for installing them but was busy so could not do on the same day. I purchased the spark plugs from repco and called in to arrange time.
"When called in to book the following week after explaining above to the staff on the phone, I was told that it will cost around $50 and cant be done free. I found the tone of this staff very rude as if I was asking for a favour and trying to get things done free of charge. The owner called me later and just didn't want to agree with above and acknowledged that their staff made error of checking the plugs in first place for extensive service.
The whole thing does not make sense to me. It appears that they don't value their potential customers and also don't have faith in their own staff who may be trying to earn local business.
If things would have gone right, I would have been their regular customer just because I found the reception very lovely in the past for the few quotes I did in the past. This is also the reason to book the car for servicing at this place but have learnt the lesson... what it appears from outside is not the same inside. It is almost the end of the day but am still shocked with this service experience.
Communication: 50% | Quality: 50% | Reliability: 50% | Value: 50%