Bush Road Panel Beaters / Panel Beaters in North Shore City and Suburbs
34.2% approval from 5 authenticated ratings
Ph: 094144993
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Upon viewing my vehicle ,straight away I could see several different types of imperfections/ paint faults, this was after a second attempt at repainting vehicle.
I was passed on to the owner who proceeded to talk over me ,blame me for sending a vehicle with a dirty roof and finally saying I was just plain fussy .
The arrogance of the guy I could not comprehend, was this really… happening.
I gave up and thought I was stuck with my vehicle left in this state, at least it runs and I can use it.
I talked to my insurance company and their assessor said just the fact that an untrained eye could spot several problems straight away was a red flag to them .
All faults have been rectified now ,at no extra cost to me . I was so happy with the service I got the second repair shop a crate of beer."
Communication: 10% | Quality: 10% | Reliability: 30% | Value: 50%